Our community needs you. The Greater Rochester community stands on the shoulders of small and medium-sized businesses. For every one major local organization, there are thousands of businesses—like yours—driving the new economic engine of our area.
There are many business benefits to partnering with the United Way:
- Join a network of nearly 800 small and medium-sized local businesses, and 1,400 across the region
- Develop connections with like-minded community business leaders
- Build trust and increased goodwill with your customers
- Tax benefits
- Investment in our Community Impact Fund supports many local causes all at once
- Improve employee morale and team building by getting your employees involved in a common goal
- Recruitment of employees that are attracted to companies with set philanthropic principles

We need you to be one of our community’s new philanthropic leaders. United Way of Greater Rochester’s Community Impact Fund investments focus on prevention and the application of best practices to create a significant impact for local people in need.
Please help support the Community Impact Fund in any way you can. Each gift addresses the critical issues right here where we all live, work, and raise our families. There are many ways to help:
Start a workplace campaign. Get your employees together to support United Way’s annual campaign.
Get Started
Make a corporate donation. Invest in our community with a donation on behalf of your organization.
Volunteer for Day of Caring. Hundreds of local not-for-profits have projects that need volunteering. Read to kids, paint classrooms, bowl with seniors, weed gardens—there’s something for everyone.
Participate in a leadership development program. United Way is committed to developing local leaders. Our African-American, Latino, LGBTQ, and Young Professional Leadership Development Programs help to connect aspiring leaders to curriculum, resources, and opportunities to serve local not-for-profits.
We could not create lasting change without our corporate and local business partners. And we are here to help you every step of the way. United Way has the tools, people and know-how to get you started. Please contact Aaron Brogan via email or (585) 242-6498.