About the County
- Population: 90,923
- Number of Households: 38,634 (5% change from 2019)
- Median Household Income: $64,993 (state average: $74,314)
- Labor Force Participation Rate: 63.6% (state average: 62.5%)
- ALICE Households: 24% (state average: 30%)
- Households in Poverty: 10% (state average: 14%)
- Number of Funded Agencies: 15
- United Way Impact in Wayne County: $240,964
*2021 Point-in-Time Data
United Way helps keep meals on the table. Because of United Way’s support, a food pantry can provide healthy perishables all year in communities that lack reliable transportation and grocery store access. For one individual who frequented the pantry, this meant providing stability during uncertainty. When Corey was unemployed, residing in a friend’s travel trailer, and driving an unreliable car, he could at least rely on the pantry to get by; now Corey is employed, recently purchased a new vehicle, and is in the process of buying a home.
*Name has been changed to protect identity