A donor-advised fund, or DAF, is like a charitable investment account for the sole purpose of supporting charitable organizations you care about.
You want your charitable donations to be as effective as possible when you give. Donor-advised funds are the fastest-growing charitable giving vehicle in the United States because they are one of the easiest and most tax-advantageous ways to give to charity.
- A convenient and personalized service that offers flexibility to meet your needs.
- One gift of stock or mutual fund shares can be used for any number of distributions to organizations that qualify as public domestic charities under the Internal Revenue Code.
- Contributions to your fund are immediately available for distribution and there is no limit to the number of distributions that can be made.
- Charitable deduction may be taken at the time of the contribution.
- Your fund balance is invested and appreciation is available for distribution.
- The fund may serve as a memorial or family/group charitable fund, where contributions may be made by any family member or friend and up to four individuals may recommend distributions.
- Distributions from your United Way Donor Advised Fund to United Way of Greater Rochester and the Finger Lakes, its funded program partners, donor-designated agencies, or any other United Way count toward qualifying you for membership in one of United Way’s Leadership Giving Networks, including the Tocqueville Society with a combined gift of $10,000.
- Gifts of $10,000 or more to the Community Impact Fund allow the donor to waive the annual fee and minimum balance requirements.

For more information on opening a Donor Advised Fund with United Way please contact Julie Marsiglio, Director of Major Gifts at (585) 242-6465 or email.
If you would like to make a grant from your existing Donor Advised Fund and already have login information, please click here.
For information on how to access your online account, please click here.
- Account must maintain a minimum balance of $5,000 unless the person supports United Way’s Community Impact Fund with a gift of $10,000 or more.
- Grants from the account must be for $200 or more.
- An annualized fee of 1% will be accessed on the account balance and will be paid monthly from the account. This amount will be netted with the interest/dividends applied to the account. This fee is waived if the person is a donor to United Way’s Community Impact Fund with a gift of $10,000 or more.
- Donor Advised Funds can be passed down for up to two generations. When a donor does not designate a successor or the successor passes away, all funds pass to United Way’s Endowment Fund as a gift in their name.
United Way does not provide tax advice. Please consult a tax professional, financial planner, and/or attorney in regards to your personal circumstances and what option fits best to help meet your financial and philanthropic goals.